Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why not?

*Stay out all night with your best friends
*Read poetry on Pont des Arts
*Sip cocktails in the Costes courtyard
*Leave the crackberry at home
*Ditch a boring class for a fabulous lunch date
*Swap your dark polish for something bright and cheerful
*Ignore the library and work in Jardin Luxembourg instead
*Don a fabulous party frock during daytime
*Spend an afternoon alone at an expo
*Trade your boots for adorable sandals
*Window shop on St. Honore
*Do nothing, because it feels sooooo good

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I could tell you all about my wonderful and ridiculous Parisian life, the places I go, the things I do, and the people I see, but that would defeat the purpose wouldn't it? Read and try to imagine. This is my Paris report.