Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm trying to...

In 1971 Abbie Hoffman penned this classic go-to-guide for staging your own personal rebellion. It was published at a time when American revolutionary zeal was at an all time high. The book includes instructions on everything from building your own pipe bomb, to how to use slugs to get past the turnstiles in the New York City subway. Essentially, every way you can come up with to cheat the system. Hoffman wrote it from jail, which makes his anti-authoritarian cause all the more legitimate. The book is notoriously hard to find, especially in libraries or bookstores, due mostly to its title and implied mentality. I've been searching high and low for a copy. If you ever do happen upon it, I dare you to be devious and make like the title suggests. (Just make sure to read the chapter on shoplifting FIRST).

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I could tell you all about my wonderful and ridiculous Parisian life, the places I go, the things I do, and the people I see, but that would defeat the purpose wouldn't it? Read and try to imagine. This is my Paris report.