Thursday, May 6, 2010


My copious amounts of spare time have lead me to look for side projects. Lately I've been doing freelance writing for an unusual series of guidebooks called Not for Tourists. They're a great alternative to the generic ones that point you in the direction of the nearest Micheline star restaurant. I bought the New York guide last year and have been hooked ever since, so I'm thrilled to be contributing to their Paris project. The book is still in the works but you can find the online postings here.

1 comment:

tyler said...

SHUT UP devon! i didn't know you were writing for NFT!


My photo
I could tell you all about my wonderful and ridiculous Parisian life, the places I go, the things I do, and the people I see, but that would defeat the purpose wouldn't it? Read and try to imagine. This is my Paris report.